This short version of the key messages of the BMBF Research Focus “Plastics in the Environment” contains the most important findings and recommendations from all 20 joint-research projects and seven cross-cutting topics. It is structured along the life cycle of plastics and covers the areas of: Green Economy, Consumption and Consumer Behaviour, Recycling, Limnic Systems and Seas & Oceans.
In 2017, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) launched the national research focus "Plastics in the Environment". The aim was to initiate a systemic approach and gain a better understanding of the environmental impact of plastic waste. A total of 20 joint-research projects with more than 100 participating institutions from science, industry and practice were funded. The overall result is that the research focus has (further) developed scientific procedures, methods and instruments for the investigation of plastics in the environment. Existing basic knowledge has been expanded and important progress has been made in a wide range of areas that are oriented along the life cycle of plastics: Green Economy, Consumption and Consumer Behaviour, Recycling, Limnic Systems, Seas & Oceans. From the available findings on complex interrelationships and interdependencies, suitable approaches and measures can be identified and implemented in the future.
These results and recommendations are summarised in the key messages document. There, it is also made clear that there is still a great need for action, especially at the political level, to reduce plastic inputs into the environment.
The short version presents the key messages of the research focus in a clear and easily communicable way and forms a good basis of information on the topic of "Plastics in the Environment".