ReWaM position paper: New Ways to Water Protection

#funding measure ReWaM #position paper #water management #key insights
Cover-picture from ReWaM-position paper with a course of a river
Front cover picture of the ReWaM-position paper: The key insights of the funding measure ‘Regional Water Resources Management for Sustainable Protection of Waters in Germany’ (ReWaM) are summarised in twelve positions for policy makers and water managers.

From monitoring to development strategy – Twelve positions from ReWaM for a more efficient water management

In the field of tension between water use and water protection, the 15 projects of the funding measure ‘Regional Water Resources Management for Sustainable Protection of Waters in Germany’ (ReWaM) have been conducting research from 2015 to 2018. The key insights are summarised in twelve positions for policy makers and water managers. The goal is to promote widespread use of the results obtained in the respective pilot regions and of the recommendations for more efficient water management derived from them. These insights are especially significant in view of the Europe-wide review process of the WFD which is currently being implemented.

The 12 positions relate to the areas: action strategies, planning instruments and management strategies as well as data collection, digitization, and status assessment.

The ReWaM position paper was published as part of the ReWaM final conference and is available on the ReWaM homepage.

Water resource: Drinking water, Groundwater, Rainwater, Surface water, Wastewater
Type of product:
  • Further products
  • Guides & educational materials
Application sector: Cities and municipalities, Natural water environment, Water resource management
Funding measure: ReWaM
Project: ReWaMnet

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